Welcome to Luxziaa™

Our primary aim is to assist in relieving your stress and anxiety, providing comfort and promoting a sense of well-being. Our spinner rings are designed to alleviate tension, fostering relaxation, and enhancing overall mental wellness. We have full confidence in our Luxziaa™ rings and their potential to positively impact your life!.

Hear from our customer's words

  • Weh, cincin ni memang betul-betul best! Boleh buat pusing-pursing lagi. Kualiti pun memang terbaik. Lagi satu, dia comel gila.

    Cincin ni serious boleh tolong kalau I macam nervous or anxiety. Bila pusing cincin ni, boleh buat I relax sikit. I memang rekemen habis!

    - Sahira

  • I memang dah minat gila pakai cincin ni! Nampak cantik je tengok dia pusing pusing. I beli cincin yang design matahari tu, memang lawa!

    Boleh pakai cincin ni untuk matching dengan outfit yg I pakai.

    Design and kualiti pun okay berbaloi dengan harga. I memang plan lepas ni nak beli design cincin lain pulak hee

    - Aimuni

  • Cincin ni best sebab lain daripada lain. Boleh pusing pusing, kadamg time kita jalan jalan pun dia terpusing sendiri.


    I memang puas hati gila sebab dapat beli satu jugak untuk ibu I. Dia pun suka jugak :).

    I memang suggest korang try beli cincin and nilai sendiri dia punya cantiknya cincin ni.

    - Aifa

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All Luxziaa™ products are backed with a 1 year warranty, a 30 day money back guarantee and free shipping! We also offer a lifetime warranty for RM20!

Shipping Times

Luxziaa™ orders are fulfilled and then shipped to anywhere in Malaysia states in an average 7 - 14 days.

How does this ring help?

  • Shifts attention away from anxious tendencies
  • Provides a safe and healthy alternative to detrimental habits
  • Offers a discreet method to handle stress and anxiety in various environments
  • Engaging in spinning, sliding, or rotating the ring serves as a diversion from anxious thoughts and inclinations

How do I know my size?

Don’t worry, this ring offers adjustable size.

What should I do in case there is an issue or error with my order?

Please contact us at hello@luxziaa.com and we will get back to you.

Hassle-Free Returns
Free Shipping
100% Satisfication
Free 1 Year Warranty